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Get A Life: Eating right should be fun, not a burden

Loretta LaRoche
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Posted on 5/16/2016, 1:04 PM

Low carbs! High protein! Everybody's talking about a low-carb, high-protein diet. Everyone says that's the thing that works. That's how to lose weight and be healthy. Everywhere you turn, there's another story about how a low-carb diet is good for you. Pasta needs to be made from rice, artichokes, spinach or anything that doesn't contain gluten. I realize that there are individuals that suffer from gluten intolerance but it is not an epidemic. If it were wouldn't millions of Italians be suffering from ailments related to eating pasta? The ultimate irony is that Italians live long lives. The oldest living person in the world lives in Italy. Her name is Emma Morano and she is 116 years old. She eats hardly any fruits or vegetables, but she does eat pasta. She also has a raw egg and a shot of brandy everyday.
Gerontologists are studying Italian centenarians to try to find out what makes them live so long. Since I grew up with and witnessed my Italian relatives lifestyles, I can attest to the fact that what they ate was a big part of their well being. However, that being said none of them turned certain foods into an obsession. We Americans on the other hand are always embracing or discarding certain foods which we think will kill us or cure us.
High fiber diets were a huge rage and still are to a certain degree, particularly against colon cancer. So, since we human beings tend to dutifully try to do what's best for our health, everyone goes bananas for fiber. Lots of fiber! Since we also believe that "too much of a good thing, is good." Suddenly it's in everything. Oatmeal was touted as the grain that could reduce cholesterol and help prevent heart disease. Then a lot of people overdosed on fiber making them constipated and bloated. What fun!
As soon as a couple of scientists come out of their lab and announce the results of a study with a group of volunteers, they decide to publish the results and within a short period of time the media jumps on it. "Tonight at 10, can turnips cure cancer?" Then the machine starts working. Everywhere you turn there's an article about turnips and cancer. Pretty soon you walk into the supermarket and there are shelves filled with turnip products. It becomes incorporated into everything. You'll be able to buy dried turnips, turnip shampoo, and face creams. After all it might remove wrinkles. Never mind that eating too many turnips can give you gas. But if it means you might live a little longer why not?
Perhaps it's time to listen to our inner physician. The voice of reason that knows what can help us sort out the nonsense from the common sense. Make eating a joyful event it will help to feed your soul!

-- Author, humorist, PBS star and Fortune 500 trainer Loretta LaRoche lives in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To share your pet peeves, questions or comments, write to The Humor Potential, 50 Court St., Plymouth, MA 02360. Visit her website at

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